Policies and Reporting Resources

Washington has a no-tolerance hazing law that requires an organization to lose recognition from the university if they are found responsible for hazing or the University is in violation of state law.

If you witness acts of hazing, please provide us with the following information in order to begin investigating the issue. We ask that you provide your contact information so we have a viable reason to follow up on the report.

The following are a few reporting resources that everyone has available to them:

Violation Reporting Resources

If you see something, say something. Maintaining community standards is important for all of us! Fraternities and Sororities are privately owned organizations that operate off campus. 

Reporting to the Police:

If you are experiencing an emergency, need immediate help, or are observing a situation that needs to be resolved immediately, please call 9-1-1 for emergency assistance.

If you would like something to be addressed immediately but feel that this is not a police emergency, you can contact the police non-emergency line at (509) 332-2521.

Reporting to the Center for Community Standards:

You can report violations of the Standards of Conduct for Students directly to the Center for Community Standards at Washington State University: 509-335 4532 or community.standards@wsu.edu (anonymous complaints are accepted)

Reporting to Compliance and Civil Rights:

You can report violations of Executive Policy 15 (Sexual Assault, Harassment, or Discrimination) directly to the Compliance and Civil Rights at Washington State University:509-335-8288, ccr@wsu.edu or online at https://ccr.wsu.edu/file-a-complaint/ (anonymous complaints are accepted).

Reporting to the Center for Fraternity and Sorority Life:

The Center for Fraternity and Sorority Life does not conduct or participate in investigations of policy violations. Reports that are submitted to CFSL staff members will be referred to either Center for Community Standards or Compliance and Civil Rights.

Reporting to the Local/National Organization

All of the fraternity and sorority organizations are privately owned and operated.  They each have their own standards regarding behavior of members.  You can report directly to the local or national organization by contacting them directly.  Typically contact information is available on their national website. 

Fraternity and sorority chapter facilities are not owned, operated, nor managed by Washington State University. Each chapter facility and Greek letter organization is controlled by its respective national organization, local chapter and/or housing corporation. Students and families should familiarize themselves with the policies and culture of each organization prior to joining.